Turkey has a deep and extensive weaving history and culture. There had been many weaving activities in different regions covering personal needs or having commercial purposes […]
The Western Taurus Mountains are a portion of the great Alp-Himalaya mountain chain crossing the majority of Europe and Asia continents. It begins from the slopes […]
Turkey has been always a very important point of the Middle-East from the first periods of humanity until nowadays. The earliest human beings who developed a […]
Turkish textiles have been appreciated and loved all over the world for their visual beauty with different patterns, techniques, and quality. The visual art applied during […]
Turkish textiles have always been in the very center of Turkish daily life, during the whole history, beginning from the arrival of Turks, in the early […]
The Nomad Way – Turkey is the accumulation of the walkways used by nomads living in Turkey to reach the summer encampment areas generally situated in […]
he transhumance activities had begun in Anatolia after the neolithic period, combined with the early bronze age. In many highland plateaus in Turkey, the petroglyphs depicting […]
Turkey has always been the land of diversities. The Anatolian peninsula that reaches over from east to west includes topographic and geographical diversities which lead to […]
Textiles have always been a very important aspect of the local life in the Anatolian peninsula during its history. A cover to be protected from the […]